Drawing process

Interior design hand drawings – architectural sketches

On this page you will find interior design illustrations drawn by hand using traditional tools such as squares, graphite pencil, dry pastels, ink pens. The drawings are then scanned in high quality.


Hand-drawn illustration of a residential loft using a mixed technique: graphite, pastel, ink.

interior design hand drawn illustration
See the full process of this illustration here

Central perspective of a single bedroom with an industrial style, handmade with graphite, soft dry pastels, ink pens.

interior design hand drawn illustration

Illustration of a master bedroom, hand-drawn in mixed media

hand drawn interior design illustration

Kitchen design illustration hand-drawn with graphite, softpastels, ink.

hand drawn interior design illustration
See the full process of this illustration here

Preliminary sketches of some living rooms, drawn by hand with graphite.

Interior design hand-drawn illustration
Interior design hand-drawn illustration
Illustration of a living room design project
Illustration of a living room design project



    Architect and illustrator with a passion for hand drawing. Italian living in Brazil. My mission is to help people visualize and create the spaces of their dreams through the art of drawing.

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