Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) USKBrasil2022

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil – USK Brasil 2022

The following drawings were made during the 5th national meeting of Urban sketchers of Brazil (USK), in Rio de Janeiro city, in June 2022.

Praia Vermelha – Urca (Rio de Janeiro, 6/2022) – graphite and softpastels
Jardim no palácio do Catete (Rio de Janeiro, 6/2022) – graphite and softpastels
Praia Botafogo (Rio de Janeiro, 6/2022) – graphite and softpastels
Quadrado da Urca (Rio de Janeiro, 6/2022) – graphite, fineliner and softpastels
Theatro municipal (Rio de Janeiro, 6/2022) – graphite and fineliner
Museu do amanhã (Rio de Janeiro, 6/2022) – softpastels and fineliner
Capela da Igreja de Nossa Senhora do Carmo, praça XV (Rio de Janeiro, 6/2022) – graphite and softpastels
Parque do Flamengo (Rio de Janeiro, 6/2022) – graphite and softpastels
Botecos (Rio de janeiro, 6/2022) – graphite and softpastels
Praia de Botafogo (Rio de Janeiro, 6/2022) – graphite, fineliner and softpastels
Quiosque em Copacabana (Rio de Janeiro, 6/2022) – graphite and fineliner
Bar Amarelinho, centro (Rio de Janeiro, 6/2022) – graphite and softpastel
Sketchdrink in Botafogo (Rio de Janeiro, 6/2022) – graphite and white softpastel

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